Sunday, March 1, 2009

Jesus Wants Me for a... Nursery Boy!

Today was Tanner's first day in nursery!!!! He LOVED it! Now, some of you may be wondering how this could be already, since he's not 18 months old until March 18, and the 18 month mark is the golden one for nursery. Well, it happened something like this... We finished sacrament meeting and while we were gathering our stuff, visiting, etc, Tanner disappeared. Gone! No where to be sighted. Since I'm in Primary, I go directly there to help kids transition, set the tone, etc. So I leave Tanner in Jesse's hands. He later informs me that he FINALLY found Tanner in nursery (the classroom is right across the hall from where we meet for sacrament meeting). He'd made himself right at home! The nursery leaders told Jesse to go ahead and leave him since he was only 18 days from the mark anyway. So, our little guy is now a Nursery Boy! He did so well. Bro & Sis Garrison said he was so good (relief), he folded his arms during prayer (we've been practicing a lot lately, since he tends to like to run around like a crazy boy), and played nicely with all the other children (yeah!). He's growing up sooooooo fast!

1 comment:

sportyrls said...

Congratulations to little Tanner! And to you, Michele and Jesse! Nursery is a beloved milestone in my book- what a big boy : ).