Sunday, November 8, 2009


The boys were so much fun this year. They got so excited to pick out their BIG pumpkin, carve it, and go trick-or-treating. It was so not the plan, but we ended up going trick-or-treating three times. Never again. That's way too much candy that we don't need lying around the house!

The first night of trick-or-treating, some friends invited us to go to the Uof I Kibbie Dome, where the college athletes handed out candy. The boys dressed up as ARMY BOYS. The 2nd night, we decided to go with some friends to go the the local ward's trunk-or-treat. We hadn't planned on doing so when we came into town, so I hadn't brought the boys' costumes. The other mom had some costumes lying around, so Andrew was a dinosaur and Tanner was a tiger. On Halloween, we went with the same friends and when it came time to put on the army boy costumes, the boys emphatically declared that they wanted to be dinosaur and tiger again. So, there you have it. :) Jess had to work all week, so when he joined us for a little trick-or-treating fun, he did so as a COP. I dressed up as a MOM. That didn't require much work and I probably even had someone's leftover dinner somewhere on my costume to add that little extra "umph" to my attire.

PS. Sorry the first two pics are sideways. They took over 15 mins to upload and I'm ready for bed, so they're staying as is. :)

Andrew the dinosaur.
Tanner the tiger.

Army boys and cop.

Tanner and Andrew with their pumpkin. They were so proud of it! Great carving job, Dad. Great de-gutting job, Mom and Andrew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pic of the boys with their pumpkin, so cute!